Featured Doctor


Spain- Convenor SIG on NCDs

What work do you do now?

I work in a health centre (Centro de Salud Cabo huertas, Alicante, Spain) and in a research unit (Departamento Univiersitario San Juan de Alicante). I am also professor at the University Miguel Hernandez. At this moment I am focused on research in primary care specially on patients' chronic conditions.

Other interesting things you have done?

I am now chair of Spanish National Board on Family Medicine Teaching Programme and also chair of the Scientific Committee for Chronic Conditions Management Program from the Spanish Ministry of Health. PhD degree (1995) University Miguel Hernandez. Spain.

What do you hope to achieve with the new SIG on noncommunicable diseases?

I will work trying to improve the management of NCDs aiming for the WONCA SIG on NCDs to lead experiences and ideas about this topic. I have interest in telemedicine, predictive models of events and risk adjustment in chronic patients and also in empowering patients and shared decision making.

We will try to write some papers jointly with international institutions in order to empower primary care as the main setting to manage NCDs. Now, more than ever, primary care is needed to improve care.

What are your interests outside work?

Alicante, the city where I live, is a city with around 400000 inhabitants allocated in the east of Spain with very nice whether. I enjoy playing tennis, trekking, swimming (I live near the sea), listening music and staying with my family. And also good Mediterranean food.